明日大致多雲 Precipitations
HD video, 79′, 2013, in collaboration with Elaine W. Ho
Precipitations is a video work filmed in Kowloon, Hong Kong, during the rainy spring of 2013, less a forecast than a portrait of the city, drawn via the journeys of several people involved to varying degrees with art and social activism. It falls within the precipices of an everyday and the realm of change, where such change comes about by the breadth of a footstep, with the crossing of a threshold, through the struggle for sociopolitical transformation.
Focusing on four groups spread around the vicinities of Yaumatei, one of the last remaining neighbourhoods of the city with vestiges of the old, precipitation occurs as the speed and density of Hong Kong’s way of life and as movement in search of another direction.
The video can be viewed online at vimeo.com/76182430
Screenings: 上陽台 Soeng Joeng Toi, Guangzhou, January 2018; Lostgens’ Contemporary Art Space, Kuala Lumpur, November 2015; 「讀書會」系列,”Reading Group” series, 激烈空間 Radical Space, Shanghai, June 2015; “Survival Politics: Socio-Environmental Crises and Grassroots Responses” conference, Australian National University, Canberra, March 2015; Asia and the Pacific Screens film programme season three: “Survival Politics”, Australian National University, Canberra, 2014; “Affective Cities”, 2nd Annual Conference of The International Association for the Study of the Culture of Cities, Toronto, 2014; “Can We Live (Together)” exhibition, Oil Street Art Space, Hong Kong, 2014; “Art in Action” exhibition, Museum Bärengasse, Zürich, July 2014; KuLe, Berlin, 2014; “Demonstrations” workshop, Dynamo Project Space, Thessaloniki, 2013; Wooferten AAIR screening, Hong Kong, 2013; “Asynchronous States” exhibition, VTArtsalon, Taipei, 2013; “East Asian Video Frames” screening series, Pori Art Museum, Finland, 2013.
This video was made between March-July 2013 during a residency at WooferTen community art space in Hong Kong.